Over a century ago, our first common ancestor came to this country. They found family, and friends, and a better life. And now the family continues to grow and spread, reaching great distances, and is made up of people doing many things. I still fondly remember times when we all sat around a house on Cherry Street. Some of the people are now gone, and the house is now part of a new family; but I hope the things shared on this site strengthen those family memories and feelings just a little bit.



When I was a young pre-teen I had visions of creating some sort of “clubhouse” in the cellar. I’m not quite sure what I had in mind. Possibly just some privacy, since the only time in my living in that house that I had a “room of my own,” was one summer when I got …

(Continue reading memories…)

Birthdays This Month

  • Tami W. November 9
  • Chris D. November 23

Cherry Street A Christensen Family Archive Tak for kaffe!