Over a century ago, our first common ancestor came to this country. They found family, and friends, and a better life. And now the family continues to grow and spread, reaching great distances, and is made up of people doing many things. I still fondly remember times when we all sat around a house on Cherry Street. Some of the people are now gone, and the house is now part of a new family; but I hope the things shared on this site strengthen those family memories and feelings just a little bit.


Utility Space

I woke up from a dream last week and remembered that the dream had taken place in the cellar way of the Cherry St. house. It made me start remembering all kinds of little trivia about what was stored there and how we used it. Since I remember things like Dad always hanging his hat …

(Continue reading memories…)

Birthdays This Month

  • Tami W. November 9
  • Chris D. November 23

Cherry Street A Christensen Family Archive Tak for kaffe!